Libraries in Kathmandu

In Kathmandu, there are several libraries where people can go to read books, study, or do research. These libraries have many different kinds of books, from stories to textbooks, and they offer quiet places to sit and read. Some libraries even have computers that people can use to find information online. Whether you’re a student looking for resources for school or someone who just loves to read, the libraries in Kathmandu have something for everyone.

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American Library

American Library has books, e-books, reference materials, magazines, videos, etc. This library is on the U.S. Embassy compound. All visitors must pass through the security check and need to bring a photo ID for entrance. Cell phones and cameras are not permitted inside.

It is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. It is closed on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays. It is located in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal

Kaiser Library

Kaiser Shumsher made an impact by creating his library, now known as Kaiser Library. In 1908, he went to Britain with his father, Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shumsher, and was impressed by Britain’s libraries and museums. When he got back, he started his library based on what he saw in Britain. It is a library inside a beautiful palace.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, visited this library in 1952 and again in 1960. Famous scholars like Perceval London and Sylvain Levi also used this library for their research.

This library has rare books, documents, periodicals, manuscripts, paintings, photographs, animal trophies, etc. The Kaiser Library subscribes to forty-three newspapers and journals every year. This library has books on astronomy, biography, computer science, dictionary, gardening, game, history, hunting, literature, military science, medicine, philosophy, politics, religion, social science etc. There are books in different languages such as English, Sanskrit, Nepali, and Hindi.

The Kaiser Library is located in Kaiser Mahal, just in front of the western gate of the Narayanhiti Palace Museum and next to the Garden of Dreams near Thamel.

Kathmandu Valley Public Library

There are books, reports, newspapers, journals, and educational materials in this library. Library membership is open and members can borrow two books for the two weeks. There are e-library facilities with six computers to access e-resources related to different subjects.

The library is open from 10 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. During Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm, the library will remain closed on Sundays and public holidays. The Kathmandu Valley Public Library is located at Bhrikutimandap Library Building No. 34, 64.

Nepal Bharat Library

Nepal Bharat Library was established in 1956 with different books including books on Indian biography, culture, economy, engineering, history, literature, mass communication, medicine, politics, society, science & technology, etc. The library has books in Hindi, Nepali, and Sanskrit. There are major Indian and Nepali newspapers and magazines. It is located at the Nepal Airlines Corporation Building, New Road.

Nepal National Library

The Nepal National Library was established in 1957 AD (Poush 2013 BS). It is located at Harihar Bhawan, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

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