Ratna mandir durbar

Ratna mandir durbar

Ratna Mandir, the former royal family’s palace in Pokhara. King Mahendra constructed Ratna Mandir Palace and named it after his second wife Ratna Rajya Lakshmi Devi. It was built in 2013 B.S (1956 A.D). It is located on the shore of the Phewa lake in Gauri Ghat, Lakeside, Pokhara, covering a total area of 110 … Read more

Sahales Durbar


King Sahales is considered as the most popular King of Mithila after King Janak. His real name was Raja Jayavardhan Sailesh. Mahisautha, present day Siraha Madar is his birth place. In Siraha district, there are remains of the Karnataka period. There are many historical places in this district related to him. He is still worshiped … Read more

Dhanapalgadhi palace of King Dhanpal in Morang


Historical and religious place Dhanapalgadhi (धनपाल गढी) is located at Belbari Municipality, Kaseni, Morang. Gadhi means fort in the Nepali language. Today the place where the historical ruins are located was Raja Dharmapala or Dhanapal’s Gadhi. The ruins of King Dhanpal’s royal palace can be seen even today in a small forest. After observing bricks … Read more