Hemja Village travel information

Hemja Village is in the Kaski District at about 1,120 m elevation, 12 km from Pokhara. It is on the Pokhara-Baglung Highway that was completed in 1991. Hemja is popular for its beautiful views of the nearby Himalayas, caves and temples.

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For adventure lovers rafting on the Seti Gandaki River and paragliding could be an exciting thing to do. There is a Seti Khola (Seti Gandaki River) neary by Hemja. Seti Khola is a holy river flowing from the Annapurna massif. It is also the end of the world’s longest zip-flying line which is 1,860 m long from Sarangkot.

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There is a joint effort of the local community to protect Hemja’s forest and other natural areas. It can be another attraction in the area for travelers. Here you’ll find a protected wildlife sanctuary within the forests. Tibrekot Community Forest and their user group have done many creditable deeds to protect the forest areas and the wildlife sanctuary inside the forests.

Travelers may also be interested in visiting a mine in Hemja that produces beautiful flat stones and an ample amount of sand sources. Through this also, the village is generating revenue. Hemja is quite developed compared to other villages.

Local life

Hemja was declared a fully literate VDC (Village Development Committee) in 2013. The villagers here are more cautious about the education of their children, high-class people send their children to Pokhara for better education. However, the education facilities are not that poor in Hemja.

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people living here, the road network linked Hemja to the urban cities which enhanced market opportunities. People of different ethnic backgrounds live together in harmony, no caste has the dominant population. The local population is a mixture of Magar, Brahman, Chhetri and Dalit living together in the village. However, Dalits were living in separate settlements within the village as dalits were considered untouchables in those days.

How to get there

The Pokhara-Baglung Highway has numerous bus stops, you can reach there by a local bus or take a taxi from Pokhara.

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